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                                                                           6 cloves garlic, minced
                                     1- Informations about zenkoul
                                                                           4 cups of water
                                   “Zenkoul”  is  a  traditional           Juice of 2 lemons
                             Lebanese  recipe  mainly  known  in           1 pinch of rice
                          West Bekaa, prepared during Lent and             Olive oil
                          on Good Friday. The method of prepa-             1  tablespoon  of  pomegranate
                          ration  varies  from  one  village  to  an-      molasses
                          other:  some  add  sumac  instead  of
                          pomegranate  molasses,  others  use        3-The way to prepare it
                          vinegar  instead  of  lemon  juice;  dried  Preparation of the dough;
                          mint is sometimes sprinkled at the end.          Mix  flour,  burgul,
                          Zenkoul is a similar recipe to Kebbit el         pepper, salt and water
                          Rahib (Monk’s Kebbeh) and Mansoufeh              and  knead  to  form
                          all  prepared  with  the  simple  basic          dough
                          ingredients bulgur and flour but vary            Take small pieces of dough and
                          with their sauce.                                make  balls  or  zenkoul  with  the
                          All in all, Zenkoul is a nutritious and          palm of your hands, leave aside. In
                          delicious dish.
                                                                           a large pot, put the chickpea with
                          Total Servings: 5
                                                                           2 cups of water and leave to boil.
                          Preparation Time: 1 hour
                                                                     Preparation of the sauce :
                                                                           In a pan, fry the onion until soft,
                          2- Ingredients                                   add the minced garlic

                          For the dough:                                  When the water of the chickpea
                               1 cup of bulgur (fine)                     starts boiling, add the 2 remaining
                               ½ cup of flour                             cups of water, the fried onion and
                               1 teaspoon of pepper                       garlic and the zenkoul
                               1 teaspoon of salt                         Add  the  rice  and  cook  for  20
                               ¾ cup of water                             minutes  until  the  “zenkoul”  is
                                                                           done and the sauce is thick
                                  For the sauce:                          Add  the  lemon  juice  and  the
                                     ½ cup of chickpea, soaked            pomegranate molasses
                                     overnight                             Serve hot
                                                                                    Presented by:
                                     2  medium  onions,  finely       Christia Abdel Nour and Yara El Tahech
                                                                                SSCC Sioufi (6ème-d-)

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